
The artistic and curatorial activity of the team has developed into several exhibitions in art centers and other spaces. Below is a selection of some of these art shows.

A World. Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, sept 5- nov 1, 2020 As the cofounder of the Erreakzioa-Reacción collective...

Playing Across Papers. Sala Alcalá 31. Madrid (2020-2021). November 26, 2020 - January 17, 2021. (Catalog). Through simple artistic languages such as drawing, collage...

Proyecto 360º (In collaboration with Cristian Villavicencio) Date and place: 2012-12-4 to 2013-1-6, Room 103 B of the Guggenheim-Bilbao Museum Room 103B of the Guggenheim...

Una cosa Date and place: 2013-4-26 to 2013-6-30, Huarte- Centro de Arte Contemporáneo (Navarra) Produced by: Centro Huarte / Government of Navarra Aid for Creation...

Sea (Open Studio) Date and Venue: 2014-10-15 to 2015-4-30, Banff Center for Arts and Creativity (Banff, Canada)  Project started thanks to the EX BAIR (Extended...

Iso segue o seu curso 2018. Group exhibition. Museo de Pontevedra, Pontevedra. 05/06/2018 -07/07/2018.   https://www.laventanadelarte.es/exposiciones/museo-de-pontevedra/galicia/pontevedra/iso-segue-o-seu-curso-2018/38027 https://www.depo.gal/es/web/edepo/-/noticia-a-exposicion-iso-segue-o-seu-curso-que-presenta-os-proxectos-de-15-estudantes-de-belas-artes...